Have you ever looked at the joker in a
Bicycle deck? I mean really looked—close
enough to see that the royal figure out for a
ride isn’t just any royal figure; he’s the King
of Spades.
Bikers is based on just such an observation,
producing a packet effect with an
unusually logical premise: the riders from
four jokers dismount and transform into
four full-sized kings. |
Bikers is stark and clean and super-streamlined, without a solitary false or gratuitous move. A perfect trick. Just a delight to perform with an effect to match. - J.K. Hartman
There are lots of packet tricks on the market and Gordon Bean's ‘Bikers’ is the finest that I've reviewed. - Wayne N. Kawamoto, Magic & Illusion
This is fun to do. - Steve Bryant Little Egypt Gazette
Late-Breaking News!Gordon Bean is riding his Harley to glory with this fantastic packet handling of the classic Wild Card effect. - Marshall Petersen, M.U.M.
Just after the instructions for Bikers went to press, Gordon came up with Seven Kings, an eye-popping transposition between kings and jokers that ends with four examinable kings on the spectator's palm. He also came up with a version boasting an explosive kicker: instead of the expected kings, the cards appearing on the spectator's palm are ACES, and these too are examinable. Fully described in a special insert, Seven Kings is tailored especially for the walk-around performer, combining high impact with total reliability and instant reset.
Bikers is officially out of stock. (Please check back for updates.)